The Society of St. Vincent de Paul seeks to be the hands and feet of Christ by visiting and providing support to those in need in our community. We don't just help others who are Catholic; but we reach out to all because we are Catholic. As the word catholic means universal. At the center of our work is the home visit. Two Vincentians will visit those in need to better understand the challenges faced, always looking to see the face of Christ in our neighbor.
The role of a Vincentian is to walk beside those in need to help them determine solutions for the challenges they face, while always reminding them of the presence of God in their lives. Prayerful discernment helps us determine how to give a hand UP to encourage our friends to help themselves whenever possible. Financial assistance is often provided but not guaranteed. We are called to be gently strong, and strongly gentle.
We need your hands, your hearts, your prayers, and your help. Please consider joining our conference. We meet on the first and third Mondays of each month in the early evening alternating between St. Bridget's and Holy Rosary Catholic Church.
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